OSD release 0.2 final post

This was a valuable learning experience of working with the issue on Mozilla/devtools: debugger.html. The issue was related to adding flow coverage for one of the type.js file. At beginning, I did not think it will be a hard process, just need to learned flow as I supposed to. However, it was actually not that easy because I ran into many troubles like figuring out the meaning of the code and make good adjustment for fixing.

Thankfully, after I push my PR on GitHub, here, Jason, the owner of debugger repo helped a lot. He fixed last three errors which really need deep understanding of the code. However, we all ran into the last problem, which is shown in the screenshots below,

This error is tough because I am not sure what is it causing it. By doing some research, it might be flow itself causing the error. So, Jason asked me to created another PR just for debugging this error and merged other code to the master branch.

Overall, my first contribution to open source project was a very positive experience thanks to Jason and my professor David for actively helping.


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